The Mind Control Deck in Hearthstone

    1Mind Control Deck Cards

    First, we are going to show you the cards that you will need to put in your Mind Control Deck of the Priest or Priest in French. This Deck will allow you to control the board, quickly kill the weakest creatures with your Healing Circle allied with the Auchenai Priestess as well as the Shadow Word: Death to kill the most powerful creatures. This Deck will only require you to have one legendary card: Sylvanas Windrunner but which can be replaced as we will explain to you later in our Hearthstone Mind Control Tutorial.

    Map Name
    The Mind Control Deck in Hearthstone Circle of Healing (x2)
    The Mind Control Deck in Hearthstone Holy Punishment (x2)
    The Mind Control Deck in Hearthstone Northshire Cleric (x2)
    The Mind Control Deck in Hearthstone Power Word: Shield (x2)
    The Mind Control Deck in Hearthstone Savage Pyromancer (x2)
    The Mind Control Deck in Hearthstone Recombobulateur (x2)
    The Mind Control Deck in Hearthstone Crazy Reducer (x1)
    The Mind Control Deck in Hearthstone Injured Blademaster (x2)
    The Mind Control Deck in Hearthstone Shadow Death: Death (x2)
    The Mind Control Deck in Hearthstone Spirit Steal (x2)
    The Mind Control Deck in Hearthstone Sombre follower (x2)
    The Mind Control Deck in Hearthstone Shadow Madness (x1)
    The Mind Control Deck in Hearthstone Auchenai Priestess (x2)
    The Mind Control Deck in Hearthstone New Sacred (x1)
    The Mind Control Deck in Hearthstone Slime Spitter (x2)
    The Mind Control Deck in Hearthstone Cabal Priestess (x2)
    The Mind Control Deck in Hearthstone Sylvanas Coursevent (x1)
    The Mind Control Deck in Hearthstone Mind Control (x1)

    2How to Play the Mind Control Deck

    We are now going to tell you about the synergies between the cards and how to best play your Mind Control Deck intended for the Priest. Initially, the Northshire Cleric will be THE Priest's draw card. Allied with your power allowing you to restore life to your hero or a minion, you can then draw a card each time a minion is healed.

    Northshire Cleric Injured Blademaster
    The Mind Control Deck in Hearthstone The Mind Control Deck in Hearthstone

    After placing the injured Blademaster on the edge, it will lose 4 life points and you can therefore heal it directly (if you have 5 crystals) or heal it during the next turn in order to draw new cards. It will then become interesting to send your servants to the coal if you have a Northshire Cleric on the board to draw new cards.

    Auchenai Priestess
    circle of care
    The Mind Control Deck in Hearthstone The Mind Control Deck in Hearthstone

    The second trump card of the Priest will be the Auchenai Priestess modifying all healing powers into damage. You can then easily eliminate small creatures on the board via your skill. Additionally, combining the Auchenai Priestess with the Circle of Healing will deal 4 damage to all creatures! Perfect if you're playing against a Hunter or Paladin dropping lots of small creatures with 4 or less hit points.

    Cabal Priestess
    crazy reducer
    The Mind Control Deck in Hearthstone The Mind Control Deck in Hearthstone

    Just like Shadow Madness, the Priestess of the Cabal will have the ability to take control of an opposing minion throughout the game! It will therefore be mandatory for you to have it in this Mind Control Deck which, as its name suggests, will allow you to take the opponent's board. Allied with the Crazy Reducer, you can then lower the attack points of an opposing creature by 2 and take control of it. Note that the Crazy Reducer will be quite situational, which is why a single card in this Deck will do. In addition, a 3/2 card for 2 crystals will always be interesting at the start of the game.

    Wild Pyromancer
    New sacred
    The Mind Control Deck in Hearthstone The Mind Control Deck in Hearthstone

    Like the Auchenai Priestess, the Wild Pyromancer will have the ability to clean the board fairly quickly. Each time you cast a spell, it will deal 1 point of damage to all minions! Allied with the Sacred Nova, you will therefore do 3 points of damage and regain life at the same time. In addition, this Deck contains many spells, allowing you to constantly maintain control over the board.

    shadow madness
    The Mind Control Deck in Hearthstone

    Finally, several cards will allow you to maintain the pressure. In particular Shadow Madness (only one in the Deck), capable of taking control of the opposing minion during your turn and forcing it to attack one of its allies. By taking control of a Creeper, for example, you can make it commit suicide and recover two other minions who will be at your side, just like creatures of the Spit-vase or Golem type.

    3Possible Deck Modifications

    As you will have noticed, this basic Deck will require a legendary card (Sylvanas Windrunner) as well as a Mad Reducer and a Recombobulator. These three cards can be removed from the Deck to change the way you play. The rest of our Tutorial based on the Mind Control Priest Deck will explain the possible changes.

    Sylvanas Coursevent
    crazy reducer
    The Mind Control Deck in Hearthstone The Mind Control Deck in Hearthstone The Mind Control Deck in Hearthstone
    Mana Curve
    Card at 0 Card at 1 Card at 2 Card at 3 Card at 4 Card at 5 Card at 6 Card at 7+
    2 6 4 8 3 3 3 1

    17 minions for 13 spells. This Deck will lack small creatures at the start of the game, you can then change these cards to add creatures intended to control the board and which can later evolve via spells such as Power Word: Shield or the Deathrattle. agony of the Dark Cultist. With a single Mind Control, you'll also struggle to control the board late in the game if you don't have Sylvanas Windrunner. You will then be able to add a second Mind Control intended to recover the strongest or even legendary creatures of your opponent.

    light bomb
    Light of the naaru
    The Mind Control Deck in Hearthstone The Mind Control Deck in Hearthstone
    Croq'Zombie Piloted Sky Golem
    The Mind Control Deck in Hearthstone The Mind Control Deck in Hearthstone

    These cards will allow you to have a better strike force at the start of the game (Croq'Zombie), allied with the Auchenai Priestess will be devastating. Light Bomb will instantly kill enemies on the board in general and you can then heal your own with the Priest skill as well as pick up cards if you have a Northshire Cleric nearby. Finally, Light of the Naaru and Piloted Celestial Golem will be very good Mid/End game cards if you have to last long.

    Video of the Deck in question:

    Above, you'll see a match between Firebat vs. RDU using this Deck against a Warrior in the Deck wars Tournament.

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